Poor health is unlike most other problems. It affects every single element of life and you can’t ever get away from it. It follows you, day in and day out, reminding you that nothing seems to be working. At least that’s what it feels like—a constant reminder of where you’re falling short and a constant weight of worry and fear.

Not only that, but poor health brings with it that most evil of tricks—the roller coaster. Just when you think things are improving and you’re taking two steps forward, reality sends you ten steps back. You start to feel that it’s easier to stop trying than to see short-lived improvement.

We get it. We’ve been there and felt that. And we can promise you there is a way to achieve a healthy mind, body, and spirit that never goes away. We are on a mission to shift from the broken health-care system to a WellCare system that you control. 

Let Us Help You!

No matter how bad it is or how long you’ve tried to overcome your symptoms, you can get back into health.

We’re proof.

We tried all the recommended approaches and it didn’t work for us.

Turned out that everything we thought we knew about getting healthy was wrong. Traditional doctors were looking at our individual symptoms which just don’t give a full enough picture to help someone with hard to diagnose issues.

It’s only when you look at the whole picture, or you as a whole system, that the true story begins to emerge.

We had to step up, become our own advocates, and get years of advanced training to find a different way to reclaim our health and vitality.

Using what we learned helped us find our way through the pain, exhaustion and unexplainable symptoms, now we’ve taken everything we’ve learned and put it into an easy to follow personalized program so you can learn how to get started on finding symptom relief and regain your energy and vitality.

As overwhelming as it can feel, as isolating as it can be, you can and will rebuild your health, your fitness, your happiness, your life. When you combine the right plan with expert guides who know not only what you’re going through but also knows how to get you to the other side, anything is possible.

This can be your second chance at the type of life you’ve always wanted to live.  

This is your chance to get the answers you need.


Sarah Jo FxPN founders page

What you get when you work with our team...

  • One-on-one sessions at your preferred date and time
  • Unlimited on-call support via messaging in between your sessions
  • In-depth health history analysis and toxicity & metabolic evaluation
  • In-depth lifestyle assessment to identify patterns and behaviors contributing to your symptoms
  • Optional mineral testing and 60 days of custom minerals included
  • Specialty functional lab testing at your request to find the root of your symptoms
  • Lifestyle management framework custom designed for you to help you rebalance your health quickly
  • Meal guides and custom recipes created just for you
  • Spiritual support as needed and requested
  • Peace of mind and relief having someone guide you


Your Transformation Begins Here

We start with a comprehensive assessment of your current state of wellness. We then review current symptoms and identify the involved body system, conduct a thorough lifestyle framework analysis and evaluate your toxicity burden which helps us build your personal WellCare Blueprint. 

This assessment includes a 90 min private session where you will receive a summary of your results with next step recommendations. Based on these recommendations you will have the opportunity to determine what level of support you need and what your budget allows.



Josephine Thomason
& Sarah Gallander  


We are Board Certified Functional Nutritionists and hold 10 different certifications between us covering specialities like full body systems, toxicity and detox, metabolism, blood chemistry, and Lyme patient advocacy.

Josephine has a Masters Degree in Nutrition Education & Health Promotion, is a Licensed Registered Dietitian and also nationally board certified in holistic health and functional nutrition.

Sarah has a Bachelors in Nutrition, Biology and Chemistry and is nationally triple-board certified in holistic health and functional nutrition.

Meet our team of Functional Nutrition Professionals - here to help you Break the Cycle


Ebullient Living

Mind Body Medicine, Complex Cases, Functional Blood Chemistry Analyst


Arukah Beloved Nutrition

Postpartum Nutrition Specialist,  Functional Dietitian, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis


Vitality & Wellness Vibe

Bariatric and Digestive Nutrition Specialist, Certified Autoimmune Coach

Laurie hurst, PHD

Health Balance 360

Lymphatic Education Specialist, Mobility Coach, Lifestyle Nutrition & Wellness Coach

julian manna

Ideal Wellness for Life

Lifestyle Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Nutrition Education Specialist 

kristie banner

Rooted in Wellness Nutrition

Lifestyle Nutrition & Wellness Coach, Functional Blood Chemistry Analyst




With our training and over 20 years of treating hundreds of clients, we specialize in helping professionals who want to live their best life but feel too lousy to show up for it to find their vitality and energy again, even if they’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.

Together we are the founders of the innovative new group practice model called the Functional Nutrition Collective which brings a group of functional medicine practitioners together to work on each client’s case to create greater wellness outcomes in shorter times.

This means you have a team of practitioners dedicated to figuring out your unique symptom puzzle. Each practitioner in the Functional Nutrition Collective (FxNC) has a desire and passion to meet you where you are, teach you how to understand the conversation your body is having with you through our proven SHAPES© system, and give you the tools and confidence you need to see sustainable changes. 

Functional Practitioner Network

“I have used the Wellness Strategy Sessions multiple times and have implemented the advice given with success! In fact, I am about to do a comprehensive dive into fully understanding my role in my wellness journey! This is a great addition to my current wellness team of physicians, therapists and my support system.”


Functional Practitioner Network

“She worked in conjunction with my healthcare provider to provide nutritional support while healing through dietary choices and appropriate supplementation. I really value what she brings to the table and works with my current healthcare team to fill in the gaps where they just don't have the time to spend with me like I know they want to. The FxNC practitioners provide that support!”


Functional Practitioner Network

“Meeting the Functional Nutrition Collective Practitioners changed my life. They are focused on your entire being. From stress management, spiritual health, and over all well being, all of these things play a part in our bodies and they give wonderful direction for each area. I can’t recommend the Functional Nutrition Collective enough!”




Embark on a transformative journey that begins with a simple click. The path to a refreshed, revitalised you is just three steps away:

Let's Connect


Seize the moment and book your Simple Start Assessment. This is where your journey begins – not with grand gestures, but with data and information. It's your opportunity to share your story, your struggles, and your aspirations for a healthier you.



Together, we don't just dream; we do. We'll roll up our sleeves and craft a personalized plan that addresses your unique symptoms and wellness goals. Think of it as your roadmap to wellness, tailor-made just for you, with each turn designed to steer you closer to where you want to be tackling it one step at a time. 



Real progress is made one step at a time. We'll work on implementing your plan, making consistent, tangible strides towards your personal WellCare. It's not about crossing the finish line; it's about the quality of life you'll gain with each step forward. A new revitalized you is just a click away.


Functional Practitioner Network

“My personalized practitioner with the Functional Nutrition Collective had a precise attention to detail, easy to understand guidelines, and excitement for nutritional awareness.”


Functional Practitioner Network

“Working with my personalized practitioner with the FxNC has been a totally different experience. She listened to my goals, what aspects worked or didn't work on other programs, and what daily habits I already incorporated to create a personalized and sustainable plan for me.”


Functional Practitioner Network

“Working with the team at the Functional Nutrition Collective has been life changing. They walked me though my complex situation and gave me tangible tasks I could implement and see relief when I put in the work.”


We are here to prepare, discover and guide you towards your personal WellCare and cannot wait to help you.

Are You Ready to Break The Cycle?

At this point, you can follow one of two paths. First, you can move on without clicking the button below and continue doing what you’ve always done. And, chances are, you’ll continue getting what you’ve always gotten. You can continue to struggle with your health and face the challenges alone.

Or you can choose the second path.

You can choose to do something different, to stop trying to figure this out all by yourself and instead follow the lead of someone who has already figured out how to achieve the very things you want so badly. You know where you’ll be in a year if you choose to do nothing, but there’s no telling how far you’ll go in life with an expert by your side, guiding you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to turn your health around, We invite you to choose the second path, click the button below, and take the first step toward a bigger, brighter tomorrow.