True Stories from People Just Like You

What you’re about to read are true stories from past clients who, just like you, started with a dream to transform their health and wellbeing. With the right guidance and support, those dreams have become their reality, and I couldn’t be more excited to share their experiences with you below.

"Working with the team and my two practitioners at the Functional Nutrition Collective has been life changing. They walked me though my complex situation and gave me tangible tasks I could implement and see relief when I put in the work. I am a cancer survivor and in current heart failure. The last straw was my NAFLD diagnoses. Since finding the Functional Nutrition Collective, my digestion has improved, my skin has improved, I'm sleeping through the night I have more energy, I am off three medications and I feel for the first time I can handle my stress and tackle the spiritual battles head on. I am so grateful for my practitioners with FxNC!"
Debbie - Georgia
"Meeting the Functional Nutrition Collective Practitioners changed my life. They listened to me and my concerns about my body. I had to make a lot of hard dietary changes but they started me off slow, cutting one thing at a time or adding in a new piece of my new routine at a time so it wasn’t so overwhelming. By the time everything was added or removed I already felt in a new groove. The learning curve was slow and well paced. When I was really missing certain food items (dairy 😜), They reminded me everything in moderation and to go ahead and have some! They told me from the get go that she was not the food police or here to cast judgement. They are here for support and to help you achieve your goals. They also don't just focus on nutrition. They are focused on your entire being. From stress management, spiritual health, and over all well being, all of these things play a part in our bodies and they give wonderful direction for each area. I can’t recommend the Functional Nutrition Collective enough! My personalized practitioner was so patient, kind, understanding, and has your best interest at heart. She helped me see exactly how nutrition can fuel and heal my body. We have finished our time together for now but I continue to practice what she taught me in my day to day wellness. Whether you are looking to lose weight, reverse symptoms, or just want a better understanding of how to care for your body, any practitioner with the FxNC is your solution!"
- Jackie - Texas
"I've tried various approaches to losing weight over the years: low carb, Paleo, meal plans provided by personal trainers/gyms, etc. All of those worked for a short time, but never felt sustainable and old habits would slowly creep back in. Working with my personalized practitioner with the FxNC has been a totally different experience. She listened to my goals, what aspects worked or didn't work on other programs, and what daily habits I already incorporated to create a personalized and sustainable plan for me. Where other plans were drastic changes, she offered small, manageable tweaks to my habits and helped me build on those over time. She also taught me how to listen to my body and how it responds to what and when I eat. Her personal and individualized approach has helped me shift my focus from just weight loss to include overall better health. And since it is now a way of life, and not a fad diet, I know I will reach and exceed my goals. My only regret is that I did not tap into her knowledge and experience sooner!"
Erika - Texas
"I have a very complicated medical history, suffer from fibromyalgia, IBS, and esophageal issues and needed someone who would work with the information from my doctor and make it easy for me to follow. I have used the Wellness Strategy Sessions multiple times and have implemented the advice given with success! In fact, I am about to do a comprehensive dive into fully understanding my role in my wellness journey! This is a great addition to my current wellness team of physicians, therapists and my support system."
Ann - Texas
"I have struggled with asthma and allergies since I was a young girl. It wasn't until my personalized practitioner from the Functional Nutrition Collective educated me about supplements, lifestyle choices, and diet changes in conjunction with my medicine that my asthma and allergies started to improve. I wish I would have learned this invaluable information years ago rather than merely putting a "band-aid" on my condition and pumping my body full of medication for 40 years. More recently, after being diagnosed with a nasty virus in July of 2020, I immediately contacted my practitioner. She worked in conjunction with my healthcare provider to provide nutritional support while healing through dietary choices and appropriate supplementation. I really value what she brings to the table and works with my current healthcare team to fill in the gaps where they just don't have the time to spend with me like I know they want to. The FxNC practitioners provide that support!"
Rebekah - Minnesota
"In a little less than 5 months my health, inside & out, have improved tremendously with a whole lot of hard work and intentionality!I have worked with a practitioner with the FxNC who is an amazing nutritionist and has coached me to have whole body, whole mind, whole heart health! She has helped me get to the root my health issues and get me on a path to healing, this includes targeted supplements, nutrition, stress management, detoxing, etc! In a little less than 5 months my health, inside & out, have improved tremendously! Don't hesitate to do the work with the right guidance. I have a new life and relief from my symptoms that were keeping me down."
Stacie - South Carolina
“I came with a diagnosis of Non-Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the liver and asked if there was anything they could help me with. For one entire year we tackled my eating habits, sleep schedule, liver function and I was able to completely reverse my FDL by incorporating the suggestions and strategies offered. It has been several years and I still go back to the fundamentals of food I was taught to look out for and my liver is still functioning optimally!"
Randy - Colorado
"My personalized practitioner with the Functional Nutrition Collective had a precise attention to detail, easy to understand guidelines, and excitement for nutritional awareness. At a time when lifestyle disease is rampant, we need a refreshing and authoritative voice that clearly connects wellness with nutrition. The friendly approach of each practitioner with FxNC engages and educates and I feel prepared to tackle my wellness goals and succeed."
Shawn - Wisconsin